Homemade lemon cream

Yayınlanma: 25 May 2023 - 17:15

If you're a fan of tangy and creamy flavors, you'll absolutely love this Homemade Lemon Cream recipe. Made with fresh lemons, eggs, sugar, and butter, this velvety and citrusy cream is perfect for filling cakes, topping desserts, or simply enjoying on its own.

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1. With the help of a potato peeler, remove only the yellow part of the lemon skin, since the white part is bitter, and add it to the food processor with the sugar and blend at maximum speed, until pulverized.
2. Add to the bowl the sugar with the pulverized rind, the juice, the melted and tempered butter and the eggs and mix on speed 2 at 90°C for 20 min.
3. Pour into a jar with a lid and keep in the fridge until use.


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