Strawberry bar pie without oven

This No-Bake Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie is an easy recipe that makes a gorgeous dessert with a rich filling and buttery crust.

Strawberry bar pie without oven

6 strawberry bars cut in half
10 strawberries
½ can of condensed milk
½ can of evaporated milk
1/2 package of Maria biscuit
½ stick of butter
1/2 stick of cream cheese
3 tablespoons of gelatin
12 tablespoons of cold water
1 glass of Greek or natural yogurt

-In the cold water, we add the gelatin (to hydrate it) and reserve for about 10 minutes, until it becomes gelatinous and later we put it in the microwave oven for 30 or 40 seconds.
- crush the cookies (you can do it in the blender)
- Melt the butter in the microwave oven for a minute
- Mix the biscuits and melted butter to form a paste
-In the mold where we will make our pie, accommodate the strawberry bars all around, so that there are no spaces
- We spread the mixture of biscuits with butter throughout the mold, with our clean hands crush until the paste is compact
- Reserve in the refrigerator, while we make the mix of the pie
- Blend the remaining ingredients (condensed milk, evaporated milk, strawberries, cream cheese, yogurt and finally add the hydrated gelatin and blend for a few seconds, only to incorporate
- We take the base of the pie out of the refrigerator and empty the mixture and refrigerate it for at least 4 hours to be able to unmold and decorate. (decoration is optional)
- after 4 hours we unmold and decorate the pie with strawberries (you can decorate it to your liking)